COVID-19 has changed our work landscape significantly. Our nation’s unemployment rate is rising, and the path to a reopened country is not yet clear. But there are several changes that we can count on, at least for now.
If you own a business or facility, you should pay attention to legal and social measures for reopening in the post-COVID-19 world. Here are five things to consider.
If you own or manage a business, you should take heed of the latest CDC guidelines for maintaining a clean workplace. The guidelines include rules on cleaning floors, soft surfaces, hard surfaces, and more. Notably, it also contains instructions on what to do if one of your employees gets diagnosed with the novel coronavirus.
As a fundamental measure, you should put bottles of hand sanitizer in high-trafficked areas of your workplace. This measure is one of the most affordable and straightforward ways to prevent COVID-19 from entering your workplace.
Flexible Work-From-Home Policies
Until recently, working from home didn’t seem feasible. Now, though, we see that employees are often working just as well at home as in the office. You should consider maintaining a flexible policy for working at home, especially in states where schools, camps, and daycare facilities remain closed.
Heightened Security
Businesses should take special care to ensure that their employees and consumers can’t transmit the novel coronavirus to each other. One of the best tools that companies can use is elevated body thermal scanning cameras. These cameras can detect body temperature from afar, meaning the person detecting temperature isn’t at as great of a risk of COVID-19 transmission.
Workplace Changes
While businesses are reopening and the world is taking a step toward normality, COVID-19 still exists. Thus, businesses should follow specific rules, including basic social distancing guidelines. Consider implementing divides between employees and customers, limiting the number of employees in common areas, and increasing the distance between desks.
Administrative Policies
Unfortunately, there may yet be a second wave of the novel coronavirus. Your business should prepare its infrastructure, policies, and employees for the chance of another outbreak. By doing so, you’ll be a step ahead of others if another wave sweeps the country.
Total Fire Protection provides thermal scanning solutions that can reduce the risk of the novel coronavirus in your workplace. Call us today to discuss one of our many screening solutions.